It's still very early days, but I have started working on a web version of Runner. This should make it possible to play ADRIFT games online. The user experience will not be as good as using the native app (for example, I doubt that I will be able to get the map to work in a browser), but it will mean casual players will be able to try out games online to see if they are worth downloading.
Version 5.0.20 is now out. This has a fair few enhancements and bug fixes in it. The main enhancements of note are version 3.90 support, text colour support in Runner, and suspension of text when it fully fills the screen. The full list of changes is as follows:
I have just uploaded ADRIFT 5.0.19. This is the first version of Developer to be released (since 3.9.20 anyway) to have no registration restricting the use of the software.
There aren't a huge number of changes in this release as a large chunk (sorry!) of my time has been spent getting Blorbs working. This now means images can be packaged along with the adventure into a single file, and run directly.
I have decided to take the plunge, and offer ADRIFT 5 for free.
There are several reasons for doing this. These include the release of Inform 7, which is easier to use than it's predecessor (although still not a patch on ADRIFT!) and makes it simpler for non-programmers to get started with. Also with Quest becoming free it increases the number of no-pay alternatives, making the decision of which system to use somewhat more difficult. In addition, a large proportion of the ADRIFT user-base are minors who do not have easy access to online payments.
I really think ADRIFT 5 has the potential to become a major player in the IF world - but only at the right price. It is by far the easiest system to use, and has been for some time. Now at least, that ease of use will be open to everyone.
The first free version will be 5.0.19. I don't anticipate this will be ready for release for a good few weeks yet however. Posted at 16:55 - 2 comments