Let me see if I can explain this right.
If you, like me, are using graphics as part of your game the picture can be shown in three different modes:
Fit window: Keep aspect
Actual size: Centered
Stretch to window
The default mode seems to be stretch to window and no matter which mode you choose when you’re creating your game, when you run the game the graphic goes back to default.
The same happens when I start up my computer and load the game in the developer and then do a test run. The graphics are “Stretch to window” which, to be honest looks like crap
I’ve tried to export the game as an .exe file and then try to run it on my computer with the same result. The game start up in default mode: Stretch to window
I suggest that the author can set the appearance of his/her game as it should look in the runner, to get the best visual experience.
I don’t mind if the player can alter the setting should s/he so desire, but the game should at least start up in the mode the author chose.