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Bug |
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Low |
Wed 24th Jun 2015 |
10 votes
Found in version: |
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Completed in version: |
Date Completed: |
Track Changes: | |
Fri 13th Apr 2018 |
5.0.36 |
Fri 13th Apr 2018 |
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ice_wanted | | Wed 24th Jun 2015 19:20 |
There seems to be an error with 2 restrictions in the default task "put objects in others". Try changing %object%.size to %objects%.size in the two following restrictions:
1) Property '... and the container can hold' for Reference Object2 must be >= '%object%.size'
2) Property '...and the container can hold' for Reference Object2 must be >= '%object2%.Contents.Size.Sum+%object%.size'
ElliotM | | Thu 10th Dec 2015 00:02 |
Most will not see this error until they start working with size restrictions on containers. ice_wanted's changes cause the bad expression warnings to go away. Here is a thread discussing this error:
ElliotM | | Tue 29th Dec 2015 02:44 |
Another thread identified this bug as well: |
saabie | | Mon 23rd Jan 2017 04:49 |
Both of these need the .Sum function on the end as well, or they wont work correctly.
'... and the container can hold' for Reference Object2 must be >= '%objects%.Size.Sum'
'...and the container can hold' for Reference Object2 must be >= '%object2%.Contents.Size.Sum+%objects%.Size.Sum'
Denk | | Sat 25th Feb 2017 13:33 |
It is also necessary to change the restriction text of these two restrictions: In "%object%.Name is too big to fit inside %object2%.Name." change %object% to %objects%. The same goes for:"%object%.Name can't fit inside %object2%.Name at the moment." also here, %object% must be replaced with %objects%. |
campbell | | Fri 13th Apr 2018 19:00 |
Fixed in library. |