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Cave of Wonders
3 out of 5 (4 reviews)  

Can you find the hidden Cave of Wonders?

An old-school style text adventure.

Cursor  Details
Genre: Fiction 
Language: Unknown 
Category: Complete adventure 
Forgiveness rating: Merciful 
Total Downloads: 246 
Online Plays: 3 
File Size: 83 Kb 
Version: 0

Cursor  Member Reviews
3 Ratings
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
  Old school treasure, Sat 27th Aug 2011
By rotter - See all my reviews

This is the second of Campbell Wild's games I've played, the first being The Haunted House.

My general impression is that Cave of Wonders is an improvement and a much better game. Once again it is still in the classic style of briefer location descriptions and simpler game play. But, unlike Haunted House more of the scenery items can be examined. It is basically a treasure hunt with most of the objects that are needed scattered around or fairly easy to find.

The characters you come across during the game are little more than scenery with limited conversation and only one purpose.

I didn't run into any real GTV during play. The only real problem I have is with the plot and some of the solutions to the puzzles. For example, to get into the graveyard you need to be wearing a flower. Why is never explained, or at least not to me. On the other hand to get into a garden you have to crash through the wall with a vehicle. Now that puzzle I liked. So, a bit hit and miss with many of the puzzles poorly clued or not clued at all.

If you like the more traditional adventure game then Cave of Wonders is worth playing. It entertained me for a couple of plays.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
  Nice puzzles but too cruel, Tue 14th Dec 2021
By Denk - See all my reviews

This game is an old school treasure hunt written by Campbell Wild. If you expect a lot of verbose, beautiful prose you will be disappointed, as this is primarily a game, not a story. But it is a game with a lot of good puzzles which are (usually) well implemented. I think the main problem of this game is, that it is extremely easy to put the game in an "unwinnable" state and you won't know it until much later. I started over and over again, because I just wanted to beat it, but in the end I had enough restarting when I reached 620 points out of 1000. Even for 1999 (the publication year), this game is more cruel than most games (for comparison Winter Wonderland (IFComp 1999 winner) could not be put in an "unwinnable" state). With a bit more thought this could have been a really good game. No testers are mentioned, which kind of explains it. Even the best authors need testers to find the bugs and design flaws in their games.

Parser: 7/10
ADRIFT 3.8 parser is nothing special but in most cases it wasn't a problem. A few times, I thought I was encountering a guess-the-verb situation but I simply tried an alternative solution which was not accounted for. So this isn't really a parser issue but a design issue.

Atmosphere: 6/10
The descriptions are sufficiently detailed for a puzzler like this, but could be improved.

Cruelty: Cruel
As mentioned above, it is far too easy to end up in an "unwinnable" situation without knowing it.

Puzzles: 8/10
The puzzles are pretty good, with a bit of humour thrown in.

Overall: 6/10
I enjoyed it quite a lot for a while, but in the end the constant need to restart or load a very old save became too frustrating. But it could be fun, if this game was beta-tested by a few people and then rewritten in ADRIFT 5. This reminds me that it could be fun with an "IF Conversion Comp"...

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Review by Xiao, Fri 14th Sep 2012
By Anonymous - See all my reviews

The game's very well rounded

There is hardly any guess-the-verb needed, and all possibilities of input are considered. For example, to get certain flower in the game, there are nine different ways you can type the command and you can even refer to it using the plural. However, there is one thing that I'd like to know - why on earth is it called Cave of Wonders?

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