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Back To Life... Unfortunately - [version 4]
4.1 out of 5 (9 reviews)  

An ancient king is resurrected by his adoring populace... much to his dismay as he kind of liked being dead - lots of time to think, put your feet up and, best of all, no work. But now he’s back, he’s expected to do the job of ruling an empire which stretches across half the globe and is constantly at war with everyone. Time, he decides, he died again...

Cursor  Details
Genre: Comedy 
Language: Unknown 
IFID: ADRIFT-400-C0C8A5284593FB1A934120F87482205B 
Category: Complete adventure 
Forgiveness rating: Merciful 
Total Downloads: 770 
Online Plays: 13 
File Size: 74 Kb 
Version: Unknown

Cursor  Member Reviews
10 Ratings
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
  A quite humorous farce about, um, suicide., Sun 18th Sep 2011
By - See all my reviews

In concept, a game about suicide shouldn't be this funny, but there you have it. Mr. Whyld's wacky, over-the-top style of comedy swings left and right here, landing many blows. For me, most of the laughs came from the exchanges between the protagonist and his High Chancellor Verenor, who refuses (despite insistence and the evidence of many attempts) to recognize that the King wishes to die and stay dead and keeps on getting him resurrected while punishing others for the King's many deaths. Give it a play... if you've hit a death or two without managing to laugh, maybe this game isn't for you. But then maybe you've also had your funny bone surgically removed recently?

There are one or two guess the verb bits in here, one of which is actually a puzzle in itself solved by inductive reasoning, the other of which is a true aggravation because you're likely to hit on so many syntaxes that *should* work, but don't. Luckily, the game includes plentiful documentation and hints, as well as a built-in walkthrough which there is no shame in consulting (if you're like me, the proper syntax for one verb is a real forehead slapper... shoulda thought of it earlier). If you're curious, the author even invites players to view the game's source code.

To get a full score, one needs to find all of the game's possible deaths. Some are a little obscure, but reward thorough investigation of the environment. It's not a game anyone is likely to beat with the best score on the first time through, but it is likely to be enjoyable even without reaching an ending or getting all of the deaths (although the last death really is the icing on the cake).

I can't speak for how the affect holds on multiple playthroughs, but if you find new deaths on every playthrough, you're likely to feel rewarded.


1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
  Good Game!, Mon 3rd Jan 2005
By Cannibal - See all my reviews

This is a highly amusing and fairly original game. The premise is that you have been resurrected by your people to save them and adminster their affairs. However, you were quite content being dead and intend to stay dead.

So begins the quest for treasure? Right? Wrong!

Toss away your bunch of keys and oil lanterns and [MINOR SPOILER] throw yourself off the balcony because the only way you will win this game is by killing yourself numerous times and ensuring you stay dead.

The map is quite small - although it seems bigger - and this is due to the often lengthy and well detailed (and well written) locations packed with static objects that can be examined further and interacted with, as well. The humour is at the right slant and there is a perverse fun in trying to kill yourself over and over again. In fact, I can’t think of a piece of IF where the quest is death (yours).

So, is it any good?

Yes, it’s good, very good, in fact. And, to be truth, a bit too good to just have been released during another dry spell for Adrift games. This is the kind of game that might have fared well in a competition (possibly the IF one) due to its quality and original plot. A few rough bits here and there but no game is perfect and nothing detracts for the enjoyment factor.



1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
  A fun game, Mon 20th Dec 2004
By KFAdrift - See all my reviews

One of the few games this year where the premise interested me enough to play it. As I have a liking for the antiquities of Ancient Egypt, the setting was a real hook.

One or two loose ends, which may have been tied up since I played it, made for a bit of guess the verb. Think I would have the apples removed after the suicide attempt with them, rather than just them being used again.

As others have said the fun is in working out what way to try and kill yourself next. It may have a limited life span, but will provide some real amusement in the meantime.

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