Member Reviews - Goldilocks - Breaking & Entering
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Who’s been playing MY Goldilocks?, Sun 10th Feb 2008
By J. J. Guest - See all my reviews
Hmmm. A trapdoor? A cellar with shackles on the wall? A refrigerator, a television, barred windows, a window painted shut? Even the layout of the house seems similar to my own "Goldilocks is a FOX!", with only the kitchen being in a different place.
Since a burgling Goldilocks is, I’ll admit, a rather obvious idea, I’m going to be generous and assume these similarities are mere co-incidence. In all, not a bad first effort. The writing is a little flat in places, but good in others. The staples of the Goldilocks story, three beds, three chairs, three bowls of porridge have not been well integrated into the story, which is something I took great pains to do in my own version, but that’s a matter of taste.
Technically, there are a LOT of unimplemented scenery objects, and the occasional typo. "x me" produces the default response. The worst problem is guess the verb; even after looking at the game in generator I can’t see how you’re supposed to know how to find the thing that’s hidden in the couch. SEARCH and EXAMINE don’t work on the hole. This game could use a bit of beta-testing, and that’s putting it mildly.
An encouraging first effort. For his or her next game, which promises to be good, I’d like to request the author NOT do a Victorian ballooning adventure.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Thu 14th Jul 2011
By campbell - See all my reviews
It would help if more objects were created, for example, there is a coat on a coat stand, but you can’t take "it", because there is no "it". Most Helpful First | Newest First |