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Cursor  Member Reviews - All Hallows Eve

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
  6 zombie ninja cats out of 10, Fri 14th Oct 2011
By - See all my reviews

Song: "Finding My Way"
Comments: -Lots of pauses, long intro
-Room descriptions make implementation easy to sort
-The writing is funny
-Pausing in every room description really interrupts
the flow of gameplay
-Lots of empty space in descriptions... why?
-Characters don't have synonyms?
-No hints/help.
-"ask old lady coot about witch"-- interesting.
-"splash water into cauldron"-- SPLASH is an
uncommon verb and there is no cauldron at
Old Lady Coot's, where I did that.
-Wouldn't have put the cauldron on the tall grass,
as that made it invisible until the grass was
looked at.
-I had no idea I had to pick up the small cauldron--
that would have gone well in the potion book's
-Task construction really could have used wildcards
-TO THROW LOVE POTION: (must be executable in room),
must be held by player and in small cauldron--
so, must be in cauldron, player must hold cauldron--
a bit odd.
-Finishing with just the game after just doing the bare
minimum (making the potion, getting candy from the
witch) gives the player a 42% completion. The
alternate solution provides 65% completion by itself.
Well, who cares about score, anyway?

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