Member Reviews - the virtual human
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Surprisingly fun though I am not much into arty pieces, Sun 27th Aug 2023
By Denk - See all my reviews
This game was fun and made me think. It is however quite short. I decided to play the Adrift 4 version as it is easier to play with Parchment in a browser.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting, Fri 13th Aug 2010
By Anonymous - See all my reviews
I really like this. It’s polished. I like the premise. It’s interesting. It’s brief. And at the end, it gives you something to think about.
But it is an acquired taste. Very.
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A Brief Diversion, Sat 21st Feb 2009
By Anonymous - See all my reviews
After reading the "About the Story," section of "the virtual human," page, I was intrigued. I’ve experienced other works of IF that have offered personal insights, but this piece is not one of them. The decisions that the player is expected to make are for the most part superficial.
This work is inspired by a Jorgen Leth film. Since I am not familiar with the film, I can’t say to what degree this work mimics the film. However, I suspect that this work has the same issues that IF works inspired by non-interactive media suffer from. This work runs as if it were on rails. The decisions made by the player do not affect the outcome of the work.
Still, even with these issues, this work is smooth and polished. It is interesting to play through once.
(reposted from IFDB -
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
A five minute text game break, Mon 1st Dec 2008
By - See all my reviews
My original review of this work was unduly masochistic. There is something interesting, I think, in the Mad Lib style construction of this piece. In particular, I had originally written it out of a desire to be able to answer the questions the voice over asks in "The Perfect Human"-- so there you have it, some reasoning. +1 star, little buddy.
Your mileage may vary from play-to-play, especially depending on who you are and how you approach the thing. Some have created surreal, even poetic, stabs at it, while I've seen others try to make it into AIF. I can't assert that there's really much of a right or wrong way to do it.
I'll end this with the same primary assertion as in my previous review: a short game, to be played for a quick break. Most Helpful First | Newest First |