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Cursor  Member Reviews - Tenebrae Semper

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
  Fri 14th Oct 2011
By David Whyld - See all my reviews

This began with a frustrating little puzzle that prevented me leaving the start location until I had all my stuff, while quietly remaining silent on exactly what I needed to take with me. It was a puzzle made worse by ADRIFT’s buggy item carrying limits that prevented me picking up certain things – like a pen – because my hands are full. Oh, and if you pick up a pen, then drop it (as I did when experimenting with what items were necessary), you can’t pick the pen up again. Nasty “puzzle”. I ran into the same problem later on in the game when I returned to the room and then was prevented from leaving because one of the required items was no longer in my possession.

There were other annoyances – items listed in the room description not being examinable, typos, misleading exit messages, guess the verb and the like – but it’s easier to forgive these considering the three hour time constraint imposed by the comp. Nicely written, too, which was an added bonus.

Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out most of the time what I was meant to be doing. Even with the Generator open and actively cheating, it was difficult to guess what my next move should be and often I’d be left stranded in one location with no idea of what I was meant to do next. On the occasions when I did manage to make progress, this was usually done after trying every single thing I could think of doing. Not so much solving a puzzle as hitting upon the solution by sheer persistence.

Overall this seemed a little too ambitious for a three hour camp and the rough edges really showed.

2 out of 5

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
  4 shadows out of 10, Fri 14th Oct 2011
By - See all my reviews

Song: "Subdivisions"
Comments: -No hints.
-I assume I'm supposed to wait for class to start
at 12:30? Unfortunately, the clock is broken
so time is stuck between 12:00 and 12:09.
-Being stuck in a time bubble with no clear idea
of what to do, no escape, and only a college
algebra textbook is suitable enough for horror,
but unfortunately the game just feels incomplete.
-Apparently one must only sit on a chair to escape that.
-The author requested a transcript from me, which contains
most of my complaints about the game. In all, it
should be considered more an open beta than a finished
work. Players be warned. Below are some of the most
salient issues...
-It's possible to get stuck in one's dorm after returning
to it (don't have all of your things).
-Inventory limit is far too small.
-Science Hall and the later Forest Path are inaccessible as
it stands (Science Hall cannot be gotten back to after
returning with the notebook).
-The writing is all abstract and overly cryptic, which makes
it hard to understand what exactly is going on. Lack
of understanding of conflicts, motivations, and general
reasoning of things in some places makes it hard for
the writing as it stands to be very compelling.

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