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Cursor  Member Reviews - The Axe of Kolt

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
  Alaric Blackmoon 1, Fri 21st May 2021
By rovarsson - See all my reviews

It's only oldschool fantasy but I like it., February 28, 2020
by Rovarsson (Belgium)
Related reviews: Alaric Blackmoon, Fantasy, Adventure
This is cliché fantasy galore and it's great!
Step one: set expectations to sorcerers, dwarves, a magic axe and all that.
Step two: don your Hero-attire and rush in!
Step three: be stopped in your tracks by this or that puzzle that is cleverer than you thought, wander through a forest searching for poultry, witness a demonic sacrifice...

It's good fun and the Hero of the day should count his blessings that you're the one guiding him because there's a few hard and complex puzzles. (Heroes aren't all that bright in the noggin, you know).
It's also fantastically long. This is one to sink your teeth into. Clear an hour a day in your schedule for a month to play this. You might get to the end by then.

AoK does show its age: some non-interactive forest-locations all alike, lots of death, some learn by trial-and-death, timed sequences. I didn't mind any of that because: fun!

In the end, it's a great straightforward fantasy romp that had me tied to the screen for some weeks.

A Should-Play!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
  Great game that started the Alaric Blackmoon series, Wed 15th Dec 2021
By Denk - See all my reviews

EDIT: Sorry if this review from 2016 pops up among "Latest Reviews". The game was moved after an update, so therefore I had to rewrite the review.

The Axe of Kolt is what text adventures is all about. Set in a standard fantasy setting with wizards, dwarfs, witches etc., the game is huge but divided into four parts so that it never become unmanageable. The game is tough though. Luckily there is a VOCAB command for each part, inspiring the player when stuck with a list of relevant verbs. And if everything fails the player can send an e-mail to the author, which was needed some times.

Highly recommended.

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