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The Spectre of Castle Coris - The Adventures of Alaric Blackmoon - Episode 2 Play Online
4.5 out of 5 (2 reviews)  

You are Duke Alaric Blackmoon, recently given that title and the duchy of Charlton by a grateful King Kelson as a reward for finding the lost "Axe of Kolt" and helping to rid the land of the Xixon lizardmen.

You are touring the towns and villages of your new demesne when you hear of strange events that were taking place in the town of Corwyn - a "spectre" is rumoured to be killing townsfolk and people are leaving the town in droves.

Can you solve the riddle of "The Spectre of Castle Coris"?


  • Use FRANKENDRIFT to play the game if you are playing on a MacOS or Linux computer. Download FrankenDrift from Here.

  • *************************************

    Other games in the "Alaric Blackmoon" series:

    Episode 1: The Axe of Kolt

    Episode 3: Die Feuerfaust - The Fist of Fire

    Episode 4: The Fortress of Fear

    Episode 5: The Lost Children

    Episode 6: The Call of the Shaman

    Episode 7: The Lost Labyrinth of Lazaitch

    Episode 8: Return to Castle Coris

    Episode 9: XANIX - Xixon Resurgence


    Adventures in the World of Alaric Blackmoon:

    Episode 1: Run, Bronwynn, Run!

    Episode 2: The Dwarf of Direwood Forest

    Episode 3: Finn's Big Adventure


    The Intrepid Space Adventures of Mike Erlin:

    Chapter 1: Magnetic Moon

    Chapter 2: Starship Quest

    Chapter 3: Revenge of the Space Pirates

    Chapter 4: The Euripedes Enigma

    Chapter 5: Bug Hunt On Menelaus

    Cursor  Details
    Genre: Fantasy 
    Language: Unknown 
    IFID: ADRIFT-500-BB79-5858-4C72-B62B-A95E0115671D 
    Category: Complete adventure 
    Forgiveness rating: Tough 
    Total Downloads: 657 
    Online Plays: 450 
    File Size: 563 Kb 
    Version: 16

    Cursor  Member Reviews
    2 Ratings
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    Most Helpful Member Reviews

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
      Sun 8th May 2016
    By Denk - See all my reviews

    Yet another great adventure from Larry Horsfield. The Spectre of Castle Coris is the sequel to the Axe of Kolt, and just as its predecessor it is a modern improvement of an old spectrum adventure. This time Alaric Blackmoon has to solve the mystery of a spectre, which terrorizes the town surrounding the castle Coris. The game can roughly be divided into two parts: First Alaric must gather whatever he needs in his quest outside the castle. Afterwards he must enter the castle and free the town of the evil spectre.

    The game is rather big but contains a built-in map, which is well-structured and very convenient (except when playing online – download the game instead). There is a nice use of text colors, which gives life to the overall fine descriptions. The implementation is very good and rarely if ever is guess-the-verb an issue. Anyway a vocabulary command is implemented.

    The puzzles range from easy to hard and the player must remember to examine and search everything as well as ask the right questions. Note that the game distinguishes between “ASK [person] ABOUT [topic]” and “ASK [person] FOR [object]”.

    Overall, this is a highly enjoyable game, which just reaches the five-star mark.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
      Classic Fantasy meets Ghost Mystery, Tue 12th May 2020
    By rovarsson - See all my reviews

    The second Alaric Blackmoon game. It's a large oldschool quest to save a village from a spectre that's killing and abducting people.
    Right from the start it got my attention because of the mystery aspect. Who or what is this Spectre? Finding this out is essential to vanquishing it in the end.

    I like my fantasy oldschool, straightforward and unapologetic. Here the mystery adds to the fun. Good puzzles, a great sense of space once you enter the castle grounds. Linear, but I don't mind that in this sort of game. Some great, vividly written scenes.

    The author made a design choice that may be offputting to some: until you enter the castle, you must send the ghost away with a prayer every 20 turns or so. To me, this added to the presence of the Spectre, to others, this will get dull.

    This game's good for a week, maybe two of ghosthunting and castlesearching fun. Well worth playing.

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