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Cursor  Bugs & Enhancements

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Displaying 1 - 25 out of 463
Summary Priority Status Votes
Automatic Developer Back-up Medium New 1
Different sound levels played at the same time Medium New 1
Show all locations, objects, groups, etc, in Developer Medium New 1
New library task: GET STATIC OBJECTS Medium New 1
Full Screen Mode for the Runner Medium New 1
Debugger to show how many times a task has run Medium New 1
Allow for proper cloning and importing of multiple locations High New 2
Option for Map Grid to appear in Runner Low New 2
In Runner File > Rename Open Game to Open Save Game High New 1
Add a default All Objects Group Medium New 2
Add Object/Loc to Group X in RMB drop down menu Medium New 2
Add Copy Key to RMB drop down menu High New 1
Action: Move a random object from group x to player location Medium New 1
Allow HTML markup to work in within %text% input? Medium New 1
Force map to update players location on map when moving them via action High New 1
Add a Variable Description tab Medium New 2
Loop back exits and system tasks Low New 1
Object Movement Tab Low New 1
Runner keyboard key for comments should be assigned by player High New 4
Loop Number- allow use to use a variable instead of number Medium New 1
[Feature]Dark Mode Medium New 3
Change horizontal size of the Location dropdowns in the Directions tab Medium New 3
Debugger: Add a refresh button Low New 2
Debugger: Double click a task to see it in output Window Medium New 2
Secondary Work Spaces for larger projects Low New 2

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